
  • Marriage and family life is a creation of God and it is a holy institution.
  • Unity and closeness among family members is the beauty of family.
  • Natural family planning supports healthy births and respects God’s plan.
    It is noble humanity to accept God’s gifted children under any circumstances.
  • Avoiding the idea that the only solution to family disputes is “divorce” or “living apart” for the good of the family including their children.
    In good times and bad times, it is important for married couples to trust and respect their husband/boyfriend.
  • Parents’ attention regarding raising children and
    It is the parent’s responsibility to take appropriate action. > Swimming towards Udugam, despite the challenges, and acting according to God’s plan without succumbing to the world’s plan, leads to God’s pleasure.
  • Being not just a “giver” but engaging in a good “mission” for God and brotherhood is calling for Prasada snapana.
  • It is the role of Christian parents to build a family that goes together and direct their children to God.
    The couple lead the programs in the family apostolic ministry and lead exemplary Christian family lives